Message from The Head English

English is the premiere language in higher education in our country as well as many other countries of the world. Careers in different sectors including high ranking governmental positions, science and technology require good command over English. It is also a pre-requisite for the students who aspire for higher studies overseas.

Keeping this global importance in mind, our BA (Hons) and MA programs are designed to develop students’ linguistic capability through the teaching of both language and literature. Being familiar with great literature and writing, the learners will also be able to appreciate how human beings from different cultures and times have used literary arts to shape experiences thoughtfully and meaningfully.

So, students of any profession can sharpen their expressive power which will hone their professional competence by undertaking BA (hons) and Master degree from the department.

The Department of English will also launch a new program i.e. MA in ELT very soon. All preparations for it are complete.

The Department also takes care in undertaking co-curricular and extracurricular activities such as debate, recitations, staging a play, study tour, functions on festive occasion, football, cricket and badminton.