Academic program

Academic Programs of Departments of BU
The current undergraduate and Masters Programs of Departments under three Faculties are as follows-
Name of Faculty Name of Department Programs

Faculty of Science,

Engineering & Technology


Architecture Bachelor of Architecture(B.Arch)

(5 years):198.0 Credits

Electrical & Electronic Engineering


BSc in Electrical & Electronic Engineering (EEE)

(4 years):157.5 Credits

Pharmacy Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharm) (Hons.)

(4 years):163.0 Credits

Master of Pharmacy (M.Pharm)


Computer Science & Engineering BSc(Hons) in Computer Science & Engineering(CSE)

(4 years):161.0 Credits

Mathematics BSc(Hons.) in Mathematics

(4 years ):132.0 Credits

MSc in Mathematics

(I year)

Faculty of Business

& Economics

Business Administration BBA (Hons.)

(4 years ) :135.0 Credits

MBA for BBA holder

(1 year)

MBA (Regular)

(2 years )

MBA (Executive)

(1year 4 months)

Economics BSS(Hons.) in Economics

(1 years)138.0 Credits

Faculty of Arts, Social Science & Law




English BA(Hons.) in English

(4 years):126.0Credits

MA in English

(Preliminary &Final)

(1 year &2 years)

Sociology BSS (Hons.) in Sociology

(4 years):144.0 credits

MSS in Sociology

(1 year)

Law LL.B (Hons)

(4 years):147.0

LL.B (Pass)

(2 years):54.0 crdits

LL.M (2 Yrs )
LL.M ( 1Yr.)