Bangladesh is a flood-prone area. Many rivers originated, especially, from the Himalayan range pass through this country and fall into the Bay of Bengal. During monsoon excessive rainfall and acutely flowing water coming from upward overflow the banks of the river of this low land. As a result, floods in Bangladesh are a common occurrence.
After the devastating flood of July 2017, second time monsoon flood started on 12 August, 2017 affecting 31 districts. It disrupted people’s normal life. 1200 union of 183 upazilas under 31 districts are affected and 8746 villages affected.
Bangladesh University (BU), Bangladesh Poribesh Andolon (BAPA) and Bangladesh Environment Network (BEN) jointly organized ‘Rehabilitation Program 2017 for the Flood Affected People’ at Ramchandrapur, Naogaon. After a massive disaster caused by the recent flood in our country, the Students of Architecture Department, Bangladesh University (BU), Bangladesh Poribesh Andolon (BAPA) and Bangladesh Environment Network (BEN) came forward to help the flood affected people. It was a much needed & timely initiative taken by the BU, BAPA & BEN.