Messages from Head of Business Administration Department
Department of Business Administration (DBA) is the largest and leading Department of Bangladesh University in respect of quality and quantity. Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) and Masters of Business Administration (MBA) are two prestigious programs of DBA of this university. DBA offers these two legendary programs to develop future business leaders and skilled managerial resources for the country in order to cope up with the present and future needs of a developing country like ours. DBA provides education in both traditional and emerging subjects in business and management, ranging from Accounting, Finance, Human Resource Management and Marketing. The course(s) curriculum of DBA has been designed and developed in such a way so that the students of this Department can effectively discharge their duties and responsibilities in different positions from the mid level to top level administration as well as can face the challenges of the 21st century’s globalized world business. At present, a huge number of BBA & MBA Degree holders are serving different positions of corporate, Government and multinational organizations, both at home and abroad. Apart from different academic activities, the Department of Business Administration takes the initiative of different skill-enhancing extra-curricular activities.
The Department of Business Administration continuously upgrades the curriculum to cope up with the need of the changing business environment. The Department has been running by a galaxy of highly educated, at home and abroad as well as trained up and experienced teachers. Young learners can ensure a bright career by getting admitted to this department.
The waiver facilities for students are also very much attractive compared to other Universities.