To let the faculty members uptodate and to make them aware of the modern teaching methods and techniques, Bangladesh University (BU) at a regular interval organizes two training programs each and every year for all the faculty members. In continuation of the program BU in joint collaboration with Graduate Training Institute (GTI), Mymensingh, recently arranged a training program from 23-27 August 2015 on ‘Teaching Methods and Techniques’. 35 faculty members from 10 Departments participated in this program. Three renowned expert trainers delivered 40 lecturers during this training session.
The closing session and certificate distribution was held on the last day of this program at 5.00 pm where Engr. M. A. Ghulam Dastagir, Secretary, BoT, BU was in the chair. VC in-charge Mr. Kamrul Hasan, three Deans of three faculties Prof. Dr. Md. Imamudddin, Prof. Dr. Ashraf Uddin Chowdhury and Prof. Mustafa Kamaluddin respectively spoke on the occasion. All Section Heads and high officials were also present in the program. Deputy Registrar, Human Resource & Coordinator of this training program Ms. Rabeya Hussain conducted this session.
The training program has created positive impacts on the participants and has been highly appreciated by all concerned.[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="15" gal_title="teacher traning"]