Waiver Category

Result Based Waiver

Result base waiver facility 20% to 100% on tuition fees. Waiver structure breakdown as follows:

GPA (Regular) GPA (Diploma) Waiver
 5.00-6.99  5.00-6.49  20%
 7.00-7.99  6.50-6.99  30%
 8.00-8.99  7.00-7.99  40%
 9.00-9.99  8.00-8.99  50%
 GPA 10  GPA 9  80%
 GPA 10 (Without 4th Subject)  GPA 9 (Without 4th Subject)  100%

Quota Based Waiver

  • Freedom Fighter Quota
  • Poverty Quota
  • Tribal Quota
  • Sibling Quota (Sibling must be an existing student of BU)
  • Spouse Quota (Spouse must be an existing student of BU)

Other Categories

  • Preparatory School & College
  • Sakina Azher Tech. College & Quazi Azher Ali College, Fakirhat, Bagerhat
  • Fakirhat & Greater Khulna (Khulna + Bagerhat)
Program wise fee structure. Click here