A day long workshop on Curriculum Format was held on 19 October, 2017 (Thursday) at 10.00 am at Bangladesh University Auditorium. Dr. Md. Rezaul Karim, Professor, URP Discipline, Khulna University was present as key note speaker. Secretary, BoT, Bangladesh University Eng. M. A. Ghulam Dastagir attended the workshop as Chief Guest. The workshop was presided over by Prof. Dr. Anwarul Haque Sharif, Vice Chancellor, Bangladesh University.
At the beginning Director, Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Bangladesh University Dr. M. M. Enamul Aziz delivered welcome speech. Eng. M. A. Ghulam Gastagir, Secretary, BoT, Bangladesh University and Prof. Dr. Anwarul Haque Sharif, Vice Chancellor, Bangladesh University described the importance of Curriculum in their speech respectively. All faculty members of different departments were invited to the mentioned workshop as participant. Some officers were invited also to attend the workshop. Main objectives of the workshop were to disseminate knowledge for knowing the latest curriculum and making curriculum. Prof. Md. Dr. Rezaul Karim presented the points to make a good curriculum. After lunch break Participants from different departments asked their questions to the resource person and the resource person answered them.